Micro Lifts

A Micro Lift offers easy, efficient transportation of micro scooters, micro power chairs, or manual wheelchairs.  Their light weight and low profile make the ideal fit for compact, fuel efficient vehicles.

To properly use an Outside Micro Lift, you should have the following capabilities:

  • Stand for 2-3 minutes while your lift operates
  • Walk from the front to the rear of the vehicle and back
  • Drive or push the mobility device on and off the platform
  • Insert the key and rotate it 90 degrees to turn on and activate the lift
  • Apply pressure to hold the up/down toggle switch while the lift operates

Explore Your Micro Lift Options

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Contact Us With Any Questions

We're Here Monday - Friday 9:30-5:00 EST

517 Paul Morris Drive Englewood, Florida 34223

Phone Number




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